Friday, March 30, 2007

Big Brother

After reading the first fifty pages of the novel, I was a little curious about the "Big Brother" notion. It seems that everyone in the novel, especially Winston, fears this man. Do you guys feel that there is a "Big Brother", or do you think that "Big Brother" is a front for a larger political sceme? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Open Post

This post is for any of you who have questions, comments, or ideas about the text that we didn't ask about. Feel free to share those thoughts here.

Thoughtcrime and the Thought Police

So what do you guys think about this idea of Thoughtcrime and the Thought Police? Is thinking about committing a crime the same thing as committing one? The book calls it "the essential crime" (pg 19). What's up with that? ( out for the the Thought Police!)