Friday, March 30, 2007

Big Brother

After reading the first fifty pages of the novel, I was a little curious about the "Big Brother" notion. It seems that everyone in the novel, especially Winston, fears this man. Do you guys feel that there is a "Big Brother", or do you think that "Big Brother" is a front for a larger political sceme? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the matter.


albi1089 said...


tay said...

tanya k. per.3

I personally think that Big Brother is justthe government trying to scare the people into not takingany big steps. Winston has already done things that he was not suppose to do. He thinks he is going to get into big trouble for all the thoughts and the words he has written. I think that if all this was true he would have gotten in trouble by now.

Monique K. said...

When I first started reading the book I was a little confused, I really didn't understand the book. It seems the way the book was written was like.... you arent suppose to understand it because it was written so many years ago but in the future tense....? After reading the first 50 to 60 pages I feel that maybe this "Big Brother" guy is a larger front for a political scheme. On the other hand I dont know im still a litttle confused by it.... A little more reading would do some good...

albi1089 said...

Alba Q. per.3

Winston has a secret journal, in this journal he writes what he thinks about Big Brother. He does not approve what Big brother is doing, especially watching everyone in the telescreen. He keeps this journal as a secret because if Big Brother knows that he has a journal he would be killed. Winston writes all his thoughts and feelings in that journal, because of the thought police. The thought police knows what you are thinking.

Joel said...

Monique...make sure you list points that are confusing. That way we can all work towards an understanding.

Alba...remember, our job is to discuss the question, not sum up the plot. We've all read/are reading the book. What do you think about the question that has been posed?

Joel said...

Hey UB grad folks, can you post this article? It's about all of the public surveilence cameras installed around Orwell's home. If this doesn't cement his foresight, I don't know what would.

Joel said...

Let's try this instead:

1984 Article

Anonymous said...

i think that big brother is just a larger political sceme and that they are just trying to make the people believe that something will happen to them if they do something they are not suppose to do. because if it was true then i think winston and julia would have already vaporized for all the things they ae doing iam not going to go into detail......... i also think this way because if someone can see everything they are doing then they would know about winstons diary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

megan m. per. 6

Anonymous said...

Raielle C. Per.6

I think that Big Brother is one big computer controlled government used to itimidate the citizens. The people behind Big Brother has made it so huge that the people think its the right way of living but in reality they are being controlled and garbage is being fed into their minds. The people their are so gullible that they can't even think what they want to think and thats ridiculus.

Anonymous said...

thats just my opinion

1984 said...

Speaking of Big Brother and surveillance, check out this site for a local aspect:

Smile, You're on Camera, Buffalo Police Cameras

And there is a funny video about domestic sypying here:

It's the American Civil Liberties Union website so I'm hoping you guys will have access to it on your school computers.

Anonymous said...

I do feel that there is a big brother. like there has to be you cant just imagine someone thats not there, like whos running everything. no i dont think its a front.